Jason Earl
Personal Website
Asteroids Game
Again, another project done using Ruby / RUDL for the last ‘Weekend of Code’ in 2007. Again, it is a rework of a popular retro space game. Obviously in this you have to go round shooting odd looking things and collecting power ups.
I was very happy with the result of this. There is about 30 hours of my energy in this little mini game. Like all weekend of code projects the artwork and sound was also self generated in the given time frame. The background noise / sound does leave a bit to be desired as I have no experience or knowledge with sound effects. My trueSpace artwork is also very bodged as I have not used it for about 3 years, though when scaled down in game it looks fairly decent given the amateur attempt made!
Again, performance wise I could have improved things a little things do slow down a little when the screen gets busy. However this isn’t a major issue for most PC’s now.
The download below contains the source code and Ruby run time for Windows platforms. Windows users should just be able to double click on ‘run.bat’. The game should work on Linux platforms too if you are willing to faff with compiling SDL and RUDL manually.
Technology Used
- Language: Ruby 1.8.x
- Library: RUDL (Ruby SDL Bindings)
- Graphics: TrueSpace 5, Adobe Photoshop CS2
- Sound: Aimless guesswork in ModPlug Tracker / Audacity!
File: Download